Chantry Wood

Visiting Chantry Wood
Chantry Wood is 200 acres of ancient semi-natural woodland and meadows. It is in the Surrey Hills' Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The woodland is walkable throughout the year. Some areas may be muddy during wet weather or forestry work. Bring suitable footwear. Notice boards can be found around the site with information about planned or current works.
Pilgrims Way
Things to see and do
- Chantry Wood campsite
- bluebells carpeting the woodland floor in spring
- sit and enjoy the amazing views on one of the many benches
- many paths and tracks ideal for dog walking and nature seekers
- spectacular views over the Albury vale and Chilworth
- grazing cattle in winter
- bridleways along the site perimeter
Follow the The Countryside Code (opens new window)

Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)
Chantry Wood is a designated SANG site. To find out about SANGs in Guildford Borough, visit the TBH partnership website (opens new window)
Conservation projects
- our aim is to restore the ancient woodland to its native origins
- clearing areas of conifer plantations. This improves the variety of species found in the canopy, understory and ground flora. Overtime it should also increase our bluebell population
- we thin beech trees from two beech stands within the woodland. This removes the weaker and smaller trees. It enhances growth of the remaining trees and allows sunlight to reach the ground
- improve the hedgerows at Chantry Wood. This project is in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust and their Heritage Hedgerow Project (opens new window)
- we recently built a new pond by the main entrance to Chantry Wood. Our new pond helps with drainage. It provides a new habitat for amphibians, birds and aquatic plants
Chantry Wood car park is along Pilgrims Way.
The car park can become busy during peak times.