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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Understanding your rent payments

When is my council housing rent due?

Your rent is charged on a weekly basis and is due every Monday. 

You can choose to pay your rent:

  • fortnightly
  • four weekly
  • monthly

Contact the income collection team on 01483 505050 or at to let us know your preferred option.

What if I do not pay my rent?

We'll always take action to collect outstanding debts. This applies to current and former tenants.

We aim to keep your rent arrears to a minimum by taking action early. This is because the larger the debt gets, the more difficult it becomes to clear it.

If you fall behind with your rent, we will:

  • send you a letter letting you know that your rent is overdue
  • contact you again, by letter, if you have not contacted us or cleared the debt 

You should contact us straightaway if you receive one of these letters.

We can help by:

  • allowing you to clear the sum in instalments
  • suggesting how to increase your income (for example, by claiming welfare benefits)
  • suggesting how you can manage your debts
  • advising where you can get independent advice

If you do not contact us:

  • We will either telephone or visit you at your home to discuss steps towards clearing the outstanding rent

If an arrangement to pay the outstanding sum has not been reached:

  • you will be served a Notice of Seeking Possession. This gives you four weeks to clear your rent account or make an arrangement to do this
  • once the four weeks have passed, we can take possession through the courts. This will incur court costs of over £200 that you will have to pay and may result in you being evicted. We will contact your to let you know about the hearing
  • we will also serve a notice if you do not make regular payments towards the arrears

Once you have received the date of the hearing:

  • we can still help but only if you contact us before the date of the court hearing 
  • if you have made an agreement and kept to it, we will normally ask the court for a Suspended Possession Order. This means that you will be able to stay in your home if you keep to the terms of the agreement
  • if you have not made an arrangement to clear the outstanding rent, then we can ask for possession in 14 or 28 days

After you have attended the hearing:

  • if a suspended order is awarded and you fall behind with the payments ordered by the court, you will be given the opportunity to pay any missed payments.
  • you will also be asked to attend a meeting if there is someone living with you who is:
    1. under 18
    2. elderly
    3. disabled or suffering from ill health
    4. vulnerable for another reason
  • the meeting will be with your area housing manager and the senior officer from the income collection team. You will be asked to supply details of income, outgoings and all other debts

We will apply for a warrant to evict you if:

  • we have been awarded a 14 or 28-day possession order and you do not clear the rent outstanding in full
  • you have not paid for any missed payments and have not contacted us to make arrangements to clear the missed payment.

If we apply for a warrant to evict you, we will write to let you know.

If you become homeless because of the eviction:

  • you can apply to any council in the UK as a homeless person.
  • if you haven't taken advice from your Area Housing Manager to avoid eviction, you may be intentionally homeless. This means that councils will not have to house you.

If you would like more information, call the housing advice department on 01483 505050 or seek independent advice.

How do I pay my council rent?

We've different payment methods available to pay your rent. 

Online payment

Make a payment by debit or credit card (opens new window)

Direct Debit

If you rent your home from the Council or have an equity share home from the Council, direct debits can be collected any day of the week or month. For more information regarding direct debits and to set up a direct debit, please contact the Housing Team on 01483 505050.


We do not accept cheques. You can find out more about withdrawal of cheques.

Automated Telephone Payment (ATP)

For those that want to ring to make a payment, you can do so calling the number below.

ATP Tel: 03300 889584