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From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Shalford Common Consultation

How to have your say

Please read the background information below before filling in the survey.

Complete the survey here: Shalford Common Survey (opens new window)

All responses are anonymous. We're working with an independent agency, SMSR, who will process your replies on our behalf.

We are aiming to draw up an action plan setting out measures to address:

We own the freehold of Shalford Common ("the Common"). It's common land. The statutory regulation of common land is set out in the Commons Act 2006.

The Common has had increasing problems with unauthorised access and parking for many years. We get regular complaints about parked cars on the Common. This includes parking on access tracks, which is in breach of commons legislation.

We'll consider your feedback and use it to help inform decisions on the future use of the Common. We're considering options for seven priority areas around Shalford Common (go to the consultation to see maps of the areas).

We'd like your opinion on the best way to manage access and parking in each area.

Should a preferred option need third party consents to be put in place, we'll use this consultation as a pre-consultation. It will support applications for consents for Common Land and Byelaws from DEFRA.

Common Land consent and introduction of new byelaws will need statutory consultations. Byelaws are rules made by a local authority or corporation that regulate themselves. The proposed byelaws (Word doc, 55 KB) would replace the existing byelaws (Word doc, 17 KB). They would cover:

  • Shalford Common
  • Peasmarsh Common
  • Tilthams Corner
  • Trunley Heath
  • part of Gosden Common

If proposals include the removal of land from the registered Common, we will propose registering a new area of land as Common Land. You can see this as area on the map in the survey. This would involve clearing this area of land for public access.

More information

Please read the Executive Report about this project (PDF, 399 KB).