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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Advice for disabled taxi passengers

Wheelchair accessible vehicles

Taxi drivers have a responsibility to:

  • carry the passenger while in the wheelchair, and provide reasonable assistance to enable the passenger to get into or out of the vehicle
  • carry the wheelchair if the passenger chooses to sit in a passenger seat and help to load the wheelchair into or out of the vehicle
  • help to load the passenger's luggage into or out of the vehicle
  • make sure that the passenger is carried in safety and reasonable comfort
  • not charge extra for any of the above

It is a criminal offence if drivers do not carry out the above duties unless they have an exemption.

To make a complaint about a licensed vehicle, driver or operator, please use our online form.

Vehicles on our list must be capable of carrying some, but not all, types of occupied wheelchairs.

Our list contains the contact details of taxi's who have given their details to help customers make a booking for an accessible vehicle.

List of wheelchair accessible vehicles
Licence NumberLicence typeNameOperatorVehicle MakeModelsContact details (if provided)
HCV009Hackney CarriageMr Paul Anthony Pearson LEVCTx Vista  
HCV173Hackney CarriageMr Zamir Hussain PeugeotPartnerTel: 07882411332
HCV179Hackney CarriageMr Michael SimmondsMick's TaxisFordPro CabTel: 07774138221 or 07733320801
HCV184Hackney CarriageMr Mahmood Hussain PeugeotPartner 
HCV251Hackney CarriageMr Altaf Hussain PeugeotPartner 
PHV129Private Hire VehicleHome 2 School LtdHome 2 School LtdFordTransit 
PHV317Private Hire VehicleHome 2 School LtdHome 2 School LtdFordTransit 
PHV647Private Hire VehicleHome 2 School LtdHome 2 School LtdFordTransit 
PHV779Private Hire VehicleMr Ian BerryBerry Community Services (Driving Miss Daisy)FordTourneo01483 904007
PHV832Private Hire VehicleMiss Androniki HandoverBerry Community Services (Driving Miss Daisy)FordTourneo

01483 904007