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Parliamentary Boundary Review 2023

Constituency boundaries are changing, and it's your final chance to help shape the new map.

Background information

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) must undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England. This is to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency. Constituency sizes vary. This is because of population changes since the last boundary review.

The new map will make sure that:

  • each constituency has between 69,724 and 77,062 electors
  • each MP represents roughly the same number of electors

The 2023 Boundary Review will change the number of constituencies in England from 533 to 543.

The Commission has listened to the public feedback. As a result of this almost half of the initial proposals published last year have changed. The new revised proposals are now available to look at on 2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies website. (opens new window)

Last chance to have your say

This is the last chance to provide your views on new constituency boundaries. You can tell the commission whether the proposals best represent your local community. The consultation closes on 5 December 2022.

The feedback you provide could cover topics such as:

  • where the proposed electoral boundaries are
  •  suggestions for new constituency name

How to comment

Visit the consultation website (opens new window) to find out how to comment on the proposals:

  • online
  • by email
  • or letter

Hard copies of the proposals are available to view at public places of deposit listed on the BCE website.

More information and resources