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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Students and spouses

Who counts as a student?

You're a full-time student for council tax purposes if you're studying at university or most colleges and:

You are under the age of 20 and your course:

  • leads to a qualification up to (but not above) A-level standard or equivalent
  • lasts for more than three months
  • involves more than 12 hours of study per week

You are undertaking a university or college course that:

  • lasts for at least one academic or calendar year
  • requires you to be actively studying for at least 24 weeks out of a year
  • involves study of at least 21 hours per week during term time

Not all courses count towards 'full-time student' status. For example, distance learning or evening classes. You are not a full-time student if you're doing a course related to your job, such as a day release.