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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Supporting Ukraine

Guidance for Ukrainian nationals living in the UK

Homes for Ukraine sponsor guidance (opens new window) offers information and support to those considering sponsoring Ukrainian guests via the scheme. A factsheet explaining how Ukrainians can apply to the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme (opens new window) is now available in English, Ukrainian and Russian. The government has also published a welcome pack for Ukrainians arriving in the UK. (opens new window)

Find out more using the Homes for Ukraine toolkit (opens new window)

Staying with a host after six months and ongoing support

Your sponsor may be happy for you to continue to stay with them for longer. Not every sponsor will be able to offer accommodation after six months. We encourage guests to plan with their sponsor for what happens next.

Sponsors and guests are recommended to read the private renting advice (opens new window). This is to ensure that both are fully aware of their responsibilities.

If you have lived in the UK for six months here is some useful information about your next steps. (opens new window)

Finding a new sponsor

To support you, the government have developed a list of links to support you finding a new sponsor:

Renting private accommodation

Make sure you understand private renting laws in the UK Find out about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. (opens new window) 

The how to rent in England guide (opens new window) can help you when you are ready and able to move out of sponsorship.

Help with your rent deposits

We cannot act as a guarantor but we may be able to provide financial help with your deposit. This is to assist you to secure affordable private rented accommodation. Book an appointment to discuss your options. Phone us on 01483 505050 and request a housing options appointment.

Have the following information available when you call:

  • names, gender and date of birth for all household members
  • current address and move in date/expected move out date (if known)
  • sponsors contact details
  • former address in Ukraine plus move in date/move out date

Let us know if you need an interpretor for the call. 

We also have some useful information in our Guildford and Surrey private renting guide. (Word doc, 430 KB)

Moving to another area of the UK

Here is a list of organisations that may be able to connect you to a new sponsor in a different part of the UK:

Contacting us for alternative accommodation 

We have a limited supply of alternative sponsors on the rematching register. You will be prioritised by risk or emergency basis. If you cannot use any of the above options and you are concerned about where you will live after your sponsorship ends email We will discuss with you:

  • emergency housing if you have been made homeless. We cannot guarantee accommodating large families as a one group. You may be placed outside of our borough. The time you spend in emergency housing will depend on the availability of other housing
  • finding a new sponsor. Our potential sponsors are limited. We will find new sponsors on a priority basis. If you have any safety, wellbeing or safeguarding concerns about yourself, or another guest contact us by phone: 01483 505050 or email:

Other things to consider