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From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

SOLACE reviews information

Millmead Offices

What is SOLACE?

SOLACE is a membership organisation (opens new window) that supports and develops local government and public sector leaders.
SOLACE is short for: Society of Local Authority Chief Executives.

Who actually carried out the SOLACE review(s)?

The SOLACE independent review of our governance was carried out by Andrew Flockhart, Chris Buss, Suki Binjal and Jim Taylor.  Jeanette McGarry led the housing review.

What were the findings of the SOLACE report(s)?

The main finding in the reports is that the Council is at serious risk of failing in its statutory duty to deliver Best Value. The recommendations of both reports are designed to assist the Council to avoid such a failure, and to address the issues identified.
Read our SOLACE reports and improvement plans (opens new window)

What actions are being taken to implement the findings / recommendations in the report(s)?

We have a comprehensive improvement plan that includes all the SOLACE findings and recommendations. The key elements of our plan include:

  • Establishing clear strategic direction and values
  • Ensuring we provide the best value for money
  • Embedding a public service culture
  • Implementing effective governance across the organisation
  • Ensuring effective service delivery
  • To ensure that our housing services are providing safe and secure homes

The improvement plan was adopted by Full Council on 23 July (opens new window)

How long will it take you to action the recommendations made by the report(s)?

We will report our progress to full Council every six months. Our first update will be in December 2024.

How did the governance failures occur?

The SOLACE report highlights the areas of internal governance failures. We are committed to resolving these as part of our action plans and putting them right.

How much is GBC's Housing Revenue Account Budget overspent by?

The overall HRA responsive maintenance budget of £24.5m was not overspent. The overspend with a particular contractor over three years is around £17.5m.

How much of this overspend has been fraud?

The amount of the overspend that is fraudulent is part of an active police investigation.  

What is in your action plan to ensure more robust governance arrangements in the future?

In line with the SOLACE report, we are appointing an independent assurance panel to provide challenge to the Chief Executive and the Corporate Leadership Board. It also provides independent assurances to the council. We have committed to updating Council every 6 months for 3 years on the impact and outcomes of our actions as well as the progress made as detailed in our improvement plan. Both the Joint Chief Executive and the Corporate Leadership Board will be responsible for the delivery of this.

The report mentions the Guildford and Waverley collaboration - will this collaboration continue?

We have been working in collaboration with Waverley Borough Council to ensure we can sustain and improve local services. Through our Transformation and Collaboration Programme, we will continue to develop this partnership to the benefit of our community.

What assurance can be given that the same governance failures don't exist at Waverley Borough Council?

To ensure due diligence and correct governance, Waverley have already commissioned their own independent report by SOLACE. Any findings or recommendations that may be identified by this review will be dealt with in a similar, robust manner.

Our improvement plan

Read more information about our journey to improvement.