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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Book a pest control appointment

book/dates icon

If you have problems with pests you can arrange a pest control visit to get rid of them. The pests we can treat are:

  • bedbugs
  • cockroaches
  • mice
  • rats
  • fleas
  • wasps 
  • cluster flies


Pest control visit fees 2024-2025
PestDomestic premises

Domestic premises
where the main
occupier is receiving
income support (please see concessions below)

House in
Multiple Occupation





(maximum 1 nest
per premises)




(extra nest)







  • rates shown include VAT at 20%
  • prices are based on a two bedroom house. There is an additional charge of £25 for each extra room treated

Wasp nests

If you've booked a wasp nest removal and they are actually bees, we will not be able to carry out the treatment and you will not get a refund.

We might have to charge more for a wasp nest located higher than 16ft (4.87m). In some cases where the nest is high, we might not be able to carry out removal.

Concessionary rate

You need to be receiving one of these benefits to qualify for a concessionary rate:

  • universal credit
  • income support
  • pension credit
  • job-seeker's allowance (income and contribution based)
  • council tax reduction

You will need to show proof of benefit and a utility bill to confirm your address to the pest technician when they visit.

Book your pest control visit

This form will guide you through booking your pest control visit. 

Book a pest control appointment (opens new window)