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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until Sunday 16 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Our journey to improvement

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We have created an Improvement Plan which sets out the steps we are taking to improve our governance, culture and operations.

The Improvement Plan was created in response to two governance reviews we commissioned and carried out by SOLACE. As a council, we recognised the serious issues that were identified and accepted the findings and recommendations. 

This improvement programme will help us become a well-managed and resilient Council. We cannot change the past, but we are determined to put things right, and make Guildford a thriving place to live, work, and do business.

What we want to achieve? 

Our objectives are: 

Clear strategic direction
Establish a clear strategic direction and values for the Council 

Progress so far: 

  • we've developed and published our new Corporate Strategy and values in July 2024
  • we've appointed an Independent Assurance Panel to support and challenge us in our Improvement work
  • we've updated our Annual Governance Statement, using it to improve the way we work.
  • we've reviewed the structures of our Joint Leadership team to address governance and finance capacity and capability

Value for money
Ensure we provide the best value for money 

Progress so far: 

  • revised our financial and budget policies for consistency and ownership
  • strengthened our finance team to support our new ways of working
  • improved our budget planning process for 2025/2026
  • regularly review our capital programme to ensure it aligns with our corporate priorities
  • worked with Council services to review their budgets, contracts and savings

Decision making and governance
Implement effective governance across the organisation, so decisions are made at the right level, with accountabilities and responsibilities clear 

Progress so far:

  • revised our development programme for Councillors, providing training on the Best Value Duty, finance and more
  • we are updating our Constitution, reviewing our scheme of delegations, our committees and our Local Choice Function
  • we've reviewed our decision making and internal meetings
  • we're in the process of reviewing our Companies, Charities and Trusts

Public service culture
Embed a public service culture, outward-facing, innovative, building partnerships, listening to and working with our communities and businesses 

Progress so far: 

  • we've adopted a new whistleblowing policy and improved communication and transparency between colleagues and stakeholders
  • we've shared the SOLACE reports and Improvement Plan publicly so we can be held accountable to our actions
  • we're currently in the process of an independent analysis of the Guildford-Waverley collaboration so far and what else we can deliver to improve our service to residents
  • Waverley Borough Council is planning to explore their own review of their governance, culture and operations which we can learn and benefit from

Effective service delivery
Ensure effective service delivery, focused on achieving the right outcomes for residents and businesses 

Progress so far: 

  • we regularly review our internal audit plan
  • we're in the process of developing a new risk management strategy
  • we're developing a new framework for delivering our programmes and projects
  • our teams are working together to ensure our budget aligns to our service planning and Corporate Strategy
  • we're reviewing the way we measure, monitor and report on our performance to our residents and customers

Improving our housing service
Ensure that housing services are effective, value for money, and recognise the vital importance of providing a safe and secure home 

We have a Housing Improvement Plan to address the SOLACE governance review into our housing landlord function. This will evolve as we work with the Regulator of Social Housing so we can achieve the right outcomes for our residents and tenants. 

Progress so far: 

  • we've reviewed our complaints policy to ensure it aligns with the Housing Ombudsman
  • we've set up a Housing Operations Board (opens new window) so councillors can scrutinise and support our Housing strategic direction and performance
  • we've delivered training to staff on Procurement
  • we regularly engage with the Regulator of Social Housing

Read more about our Improvement Plan

How are we monitoring our progress?

We have appointed an Independent Assurance Panel to be a critical friend to us, and they will challenge and support us over the next three years.

We will report on our progress to you and the councillors every six months. The Independent Assurance Panel will also provide their view of how we're doing every six months.

Our first progress update was presented in December 2024. The Panel noted that the Improvement Plan was fit for purpose and we had made a good start. Read the first progress updates. (opens new window)

Our next update will be July 2025. 

We also have a Housing Operations Board (opens new window) who receive progress updates on the Housing Improvement Plan.

We also publish regular detailed Financial Monitoring reports. The reports set out our progress against our budgets and is published online to ensure transparency.

Read our MHCLG_productivity_plan_Jul-24_accessible (Word doc, 34 KB)

Improvement plan timeline

Ways to get involved with our improvement