Help with the cost of living
Be aware there are a number of scams going around at the moment. Scammers are copying government or bank messages and may ask you to click a link. Always check with your bank, or on the government website, before clicking any links. For more information visit GOV.UK. (opens new window)

Help with money
Find out what financial help and support is available.

Help with paying rent and council tax
Find out about help available to pay your rent or council tax.

Help with food costs
Find out about help available for the cost of food.

Help with health and wellbeing
Find out about help and support available for your health and wellbeing.

Help from The Hive Community Centre
Find out how our community centre can help you.

Help from the government
Find out about help and support available from the government.

Help with finding a warm welcome venue
Find out about warm welcome venues in Guildford and Surrey.