Local Plan update - frequently asked questions

1. What is the Local Plan: Strategy and Sites (LPSS)?
The Local Plan serves as a framework for the future development and improvement of our community. It includes site allocations and policies that guide planning applications on development including housing, infrastructure, transportation, environment, and other aspects crucial to our well-being.
Our Local Plan: Strategy and Sites (LPSS) explains how we'll manage developments until 2034. An up-to-date Local Plan directly and indirectly contributes to achieving a range of the Council's strategic priorities across the areas of housing, jobs, environment and community.
2. Why does the existing Local Plan need to be updated?
We are required to review our Local Plan: Strategy and Sites (LPSS) within five years of adoption to decide if an update to the Plan is required.
We have identified changes in circumstances which support a decision to update the LPSS. These include:
- an increase in the level of local housing needed based on Government's standard method calculation
- changes in the economy over the past five years including:
- a change on shopping habits; more online shopping
- a change to employment patterns; more working from home
- a strong demand for storage space
- a change in the residential property market, which is strongly influenced by interest rates and the cost of development - slower progress toward delivery of several strategic sites than anticipated
- changes in planned delivery of supporting infrastructure such as the Guildford A3 scheme
To be effective and deliver the right results, Local Plans need to be kept up to date.
3. Will the update mean our existing Local Plan: Strategies and Sites (2019) is now no longer useful or redundant?
No. The existing Local Plan will not become redundant. It will remain the primary consideration in determining planning applications in the borough until it is replaced by a new, updated Local Plan. Although changes in National Policy since its adoption also need to be taken into account.
4. What will the difference be between our existing Local Plan and an updated one?
We are in the very early stages planning for the update to our Local Plan, so we are not yet sure what the updated version will look like. We are considering the changes in circumstances outlined in Question 2, and what evidence we will need to support an update.
We also need to be aware that the Government is committed to making changes to the Plan making system and our updated plan will need to reflect and be consistent with these changes.
We want to reassure residents that they will be able to have their say on any suggested changes.
5. What work needs to be carried out to update the Local Plan?
There is a lot of work to be done before an update is adopted. Under the existing legislation, the next steps we will be carrying out are:
- considering the budget, timetable and scope of work
- creating the report
- taking this to Executive
- evidence gathering
- drafting an issues and options/preferred options version of the Local Plan
- a first phase of 6-week public consultation when residents will be able to view the draft update and have their say
- drafting a final version of the Local Plan that will be submitted to the Secretary of State
- a further phase of 6-week public consultation
- if no major changes are needed, finalising and submitting that plan to the Secretary of State for examination in public by an independent planning inspector
- hearing sessions
- consultation on any main modifications to the Local Plan required by the Planning Inspector
- inspector's report
- adoption of the Local Plan by the Council
6. How long will it take to carry out this work to update the Local Plan?
An appropriate timeframe for the work involved to update the Local Plan will be included in a further report. We expect to take this to Executive in early 2025 following greater clarity regarding the Government's changes to national policy and guidance, including those published as part of the updated NPPF on 12 December 2024.
The first phase of the process will consider the budget, timetable and scope of work required to carry out a Local Plan update.
The updated Local Plan will need time for evidence gathering, plan drafting and at least two rounds of consultation prior to submission to the Secretary of State for examination by an independent planning inspector. This process will take several years.
There are some uncertainties which will impact on an updated Local Plan, including the Government's proposed further reforms to the planning system including new guidance alongside regulations to provide for 'new-style' Local Plans. More information is included in the answer to Question 9.
7. Will I get a chance to have my say on any proposed update to the Local Plan?
Yes, and on more than one occasion. This will need to be after the Government publish the relevant legislation regarding how 'new style' Local Plans are to be prepared. Further information is in the answers to Question 5 and Question 9.
The consultation process will be in line with our Statement of Community Involvement and include:
- an opportunity to view the update on our website or in person at libraries/Council offices
- an online survey / opportunity to provide written comments
- drop-in sessions where you can find out more by speaking to the Planning Policy team
We will contact everyone on our consultation database to let them know when the consultation period is open. We will also engage with the media and other interested parties such as parish councils.
You can register to take part in and receive notifications regarding our Local Plan and Policy consultations. Alternatively, please email PlanningPolicy@guildford.gov.uk to be added to our mailing list.
8. How much will an update to the Local Plan cost?
The budgetary requirements of the Local Plan update will be included in a report to Executive in early 2025.
9. What other factors will need to be considered as part of this update?
As well as producing our own local evidence to inform the updated Plan, central Government is giving us new guidelines/policies. These include new:
- National Development Management Policies (NDMPs). These are a new category of planning policies issued by the Government to be used by local authorities to make planning decisions. NDMPs aim to simplify the planning system by setting a nationally consistent set of policies that do not need to be repeated in each council's Local Plan. We do not yet have a timetable for when this will be published.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these should be applied. It provides a framework so Local Plans can provide for sufficient housing and other development in a sustainable manner. The Government has recently published an updated NPPF following their consultation on changes between July and September 2024. Further changes are anticipated alongside introduction of NDMPs. You can read our response to the consultation.
10. How will these forthcoming government changes to planning affect our Local Plan?
Many requirements of the 'new style' Plan making are not yet clear. The Government announced that the detail of this will be published in Summer/Autumn 2025. Our updated Local Plan will need to be prepared under this reformed planning system.
The new NDMPs aim to make Local Plans simpler and faster to produce. Nationally important issues will be covered by NDMPs, and Local Plans will be able to focus specifically on locally important issues.
11. What is the timeframe for the Local Plan update?
We are working on a detailed report setting out the proposed timescales for the update. The first phase of the process will consider the budget, timetable and scope of work required to carry out a Local Plan update.
The updated or new-style Local Plan will need time for evidence gathering, Plan drafting and at least two rounds of consultation prior to submission to the Secretary of State for examination.
12. What is the Local Plan: Development Management Policies? Will it be part of this update?
The Local Plan: Development Management Policies (LPDMP) is the second part of the Local Plan. It was adopted by Full Council on 22 March 2023 and so was not subject to the five year review. It supplements the adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites (2019) which is now being updated.
The LPDMP brings a range of new development management policies. It will help shape and deliver high quality new development. It includes policies related to:
- design
- heritage
- biodiversity and
- climate change
We will consider whether this part of the Local Plan should be incorporated as part of the update once Government planning policy reform is confirmed.
13. Who decides how many new homes need to be built?
Local Plans need to set out a figure for the number of homes we need to build each year. The adopted Local Plan states a need for 562 new homes a year. This figure was reached using the methodology previously set out in national policy.
Government policy has changed, and we need to follow its standard method. This is based on a much simpler calculation using readily available Office for National Statistics data. The aim is to increase transparency and reduce the time it takes to debate local housing need when examining Local Plans.
Our local housing need is calculated using the Government's standard method, which was updated in December 2024. At present, this figure is 1,170 homes per year.
The standard method for calculating local housing need is based on readily available data, also uses a percentage uplift on building stock as the starting point instead of housing projections.