Pay a parking fine

The telephone number to pay your parking fine has changed to 0333 123 1848.
To pay a parking fine you will need:
- the penalty charge notice (PCN) number (starting GU)
- the vehicle registration number
- a debit or credit card
You will receive a 50% discount on the amount you owe if you pay within 14 days of the PCN issue date.
Payment is acceptance of liability. If you plan to challenge your PCN, do not make a payment. When we receive your challenge, we will put your PCN on hold while we investigate it. When our investigation is complete, we will write to you.
We recommend that you wait 24 hours from the date shown on the PCN ticket before attempting payment. This will allow us enough time to upload the details onto our management system.
Pay a parking fine beginning with 'GU' (opens new window)
If you are unable to pay online, you can pay over the phone by calling 0333 123 1848. Make sure you have the details listed above before you call.
We will confirm we have processed your payment by sending you a receipt. After this, you will not need to take any further action.
Why have I received a parking fine?
There are a variety of reasons why we issue fine. You will find the reason for your fine on the front of your notice.
You can review the details of your parking fine by clicking on the button below.
View a Penalty Charge Notice (opens new window)
Parking fine (PCN) process
Penalty Charge Notice
You will have 28 days to pay or challenge the PCN (pay within 14 days to qualify for the 50% discount). After this period, we will send you a Notice to Owner.
Notice to Owner
You will have 28 days after receiving a Notice to Owner to pay or make a Formal Representation. After this period, if you do not pay or make a Formal Representation, we will send you a Charge Certificate. Your charge will also increase by 50%.
Charge Certificate
You will have 14 days after receiving a Charge Certificate to make a payment. If you do not pay, we will register the PCN as a debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC) at the County Court. Your charge will also increase by £8.
Debt Registration
You will have 21 days after we have registered the PCN as a debt to make a payment. If you do not pay, the TEC will issue a warrant to civil enforcement agents (bailiffs). This will mean that you will be liable for further charges. You will also risk civil enforcement agents taking goods from your home to settle the debt.
What will a PCN cost you?
There are two charges that could apply, depending on the contravention type. The charges are £50 (lower contravention) or £70 (higher contravention).
£50 PCN - what you will pay
- £25 if you pay the PCN within 14 days of the issue date. If you received the PCN through the post, you will have 21 days to pay
- £50 if you pay the PCN within 28 days
- £75 if you do not pay the PCN within 28 days
- £84 if you do not pay the PCN within a further 14 days
- £84 plus bailiff charges if the final £84 is not settled
£70 PCN - what you will pay
- £35 if you pay the PCN within 14 days of the issue date. If you received the PCN through the post, you will have 21 days to pay
- £70 if you pay the PCN within 28 days
- £105 if you do not pay the PCN within 28 days
- £114 if you do not pay the PCN within a further 14 days
- £114 plus bailiff charges if the final £114 is not settled
You can find out how to challenge your PCN by clicking on the button below.
Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice
For more information about PCNs, you can read our Civil Parking Enforcement Policy (PDF, 195 KB).
Lost Penalty Charge Notice?
If you have lost your Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) you will need to contact us to obtain the PCN number starting with GU.
When you contact us please provide vehicle:
- registration number
- make
- model
- colour
Pay a PCN beginning with 'RR'
Surrey County Council manage all on-street parking enforcement. On-street parking is when you park along a road or street. If you've been issued a PCN beginning with 'RR' you'll need to pay this to Surrey County Council.
Find out more about paying a parking fine to Surrey County Council (opens new window).